Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Was That IT ?

As usual when the girls get together and start talking, the talk turns to things which should not be heard by men, and sometimes we're upset enough to say some of these things to them! Should be taken lightly with a sprinkling of sugar! x

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm still THINKING!

I was sitting with some of my girlfriends in our favorite Jazz Club, and some guy was texting me and as I was not responding to the textes, my friends asked me what was up? I said I just don't know how to answer to this , I need to calm myself down as his textes are upsetting me! So one of them said, just say "I'm still thinking!" which made me laugh and say , absolutely! spot on chicka!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bling It On!

I went to France recently to go visit my good friend Ana, and while we were discussing my travel plans, I asked her what I should bring along with me to wear. She told me that the weather would be still pretty warm and to bring strappy tops and tanks. I said I'd bring some of my bling bling tops along (as a joke) and she said "Daph, I have to live here.." and I replied "Bling It On!!"
I actually did bring a few of my blingy t's with me to her lovely village in the south of France, and giggled myself silly when we walked through the village with me wearing them, however I know she didn't expect any less of me!
Viva La France !

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Weekend Warrior

It seems to me that instead of gearing down over the weekends and chilling out as we should, a lot of us tend to do what we have not been able to over the week, or have agreed to do things we really wished we had not! The figurative use refers to a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in athletics or politics! Here's to us who've survived the mad shopping, relatives or whatever else that we have to go through the weekend!

Once Bitten Chew Slowly...

The slogan on my first Front 2 Back t-shirt came about when I was having a moan with Ana one day about how we deal with things, and the adage "one bitten twice shy" was bandied around, I said well it's actually "Once bitten, Chew Slowly".. Ana as usual laughed as she knew exactly what I meant, and no get yer minds out of the gutter, I meant, take the experience of being bitten once and ponder on it, use it as a lesson, good or bad.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The begginings of Daphs Caf'

Well this is the second blog site I've started, the first one is too personal I think as this one will be predominantly for ideas and how I came about them, plus online surfing for profit. Whee heyy here we go!