Monday, October 16, 2017

Tales from the Bush, pt 4

Day 4, Daph’s Caf (the new moon in Virgo wanes)

I hear clicking on floor boards, some thumping and then some breathing, and it’s close by, do I dare open my eyes, I’m going to have to see what type of creature from beyond is about to attack me.  I look down and two pools of liquid amber are staring at me.  Ahhh morning Doggie.


We amble off to forage for food, prod Lurch to see if he’s still alive under the doona, and settle down to some work and coffee.  Doggie’s job is to watch me work and to get underfoot every time I walk around the kitchen.  He’s good at his job I must say.  

It’s time to let the evil cluckers out of the coop, when I open their door, I use my most strident tone and tell them to “get a move on girls, no lollygagging, move it move it move it!”.. Heh Heh, and they all march out in a line.  If anyone saw me curled up in laughter by the coop they would have thought I had lost my marbles completely.

EUREKA!  2 Eggs!

 I duck under the lemon trees, which have manged to scratch up my arms when I divested them of their heavy yellow crop, and look at the roosting area for eggs.  EUREKA! Not one but two eggs!  I do a little jig, look carefully left and right so as not to create any suspicion with the “hen brigade” and leg it back to the kitchen.
I show Lurch my treasure, he just shakes his head, “ma, whatever floats your boat” he says.
As long as there are carbs and high sugar treats, the teenage is happy.

We decide it’s time to explore our surroundings.  I believe there is a rather large dwelling type space, but it doesn’t house people, instead it has row upon row of provisions,  like dead animal flesh , there is even an entire area dedicated to crops that have no roots or soil! “ MUM you twit, it’s the supermarket, lets go !” says Lurch.  Humph teens, such killjoys.

The next day I'm joined by the heavenly child and her boyfriend , we're celebrating Lurch's birthday.  It's been ages since I've driven so I'm whizzing around in the little VW, forgot what freedom having a set of wheels can give you.!  

Just raining, and raining..... and raining

The weekend is full of rain, and hail and we 're batting down the doors and windows.  Such excitement, well at least it keeps me occupied and I don't have to think about Monday which is the dreaded "M" day.  ( that's M for Medical.. yuck)  now that's going to be another adventure.  

Stay tuned as the next adventure turns dark. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tales from the Bush, part 3

Day 3, Daph's Caf Log (the Sun, new moon Mars, Venus, and Mercury in Virgo)

Oh will you please please shutttt uppppp, sodding birds!!,  Kookaburras sound like they’re having a mad rave up, do they not have volume control???? Doggie looks at me from the side of the bed, "time for breakfast " he says with his eyes.  It's only 6.30 am and we're in full swing.  I grab the dressing gown as the temperature has fallen, hop into slippers and trudge upstairs, bleary eyed to feed and let the dog out.  He looks at me as if to say "wot, you're not coming then?"  (he's english, so he speaks that way)

I stumble back to bed thinking I can get another hour in, BUT NO, the dog begins to bark. Well let’s check to see if someone is at the door. Oh yes, of course, delivery man, with a package (oh behave!) , the earlier the better his attitude seems to say.  I keep a grip on the dog's collar, as delivery man tries to pet the dog.  Can't you see this is a trained attack dog that can kill at 20 paces? ...Not. I think the wagging tail gives it away.  People love Labradors, full stop. 

Leader of the Pack!

The day meanders on, and it's time to let the evil chooks out for their "run".  I head down to the coop and they all gather round the door, "don't even think of rushing me again girls, I've got my ammo with me again" I tell them as I open the door.  Oh, the look of utter disdain on their faces, I swear they're actually grumbling about me.  I go and check to see if there are any eggs, there must be mutiny on the bounty, as no one as laid ANY EGGS!  Oooo, well good thing I'm not having breakfast this morning eh.

Dog and I go for a trot later, and a mad gnashing black ball of fur comes hurtling out of a house trying to attack us.  Doggie just looks at it as if to say, "oi oi, what's YOUR problem guv".  The owner of the white gnashing teeth and black fur runs after his dog and apologises profusely as everyone winds their way around me and I stand in the middle screeching "arrrggghhhhh", like the big girls blouse that I am.    Well that was the excitement for the day.

and it poured down with rain, talk about a bumpy ride!
Lurch aka youngest son arrives later that evening, hens are already in the coop, everything is quiet, looking forward to good night’s sleep. I wonder what the evil cluckers will get up to tomorrow. For now… zzzzzzz
